The Time Has Come to Heal

Experience emotional and somatic healing

At Keene Psychotherapy Services, I am passionate about helping you become more empowered, conscious and aware.

Let your healing begin

Let your healing begin

Experience the ultimate in profound emotional healing and physical relaxation. Learn to become more empowered, conscious and aware to reduce any depression, anxiety, anger (rage) and fear. Learn to become more mindful of your needs, wants boundaries and deep center. This Body Centered Psychotherapy is a "Mind-Body-Spirit Approach" to growth and healing.


I will assist you at your own pace to become more aware of your needs, wants, pains and fears with your breath, your body and your mind.

2 - EMDR

EMDR is a powerful psychotherapy technique for transforming trauma. It is most effective for resolving PTSD, anxiety, depression and many other types of traumatic emotional & somatic conditions.


Free yourself from the false believes that have created fear, shame, doubt and pain. You will learn to bring future fulfillment into the now.


Transforming trauma allows voices to speak out and find their places during the healing process


is a body-centered therapy that uses a gentle yet powerful breathing technique to help activate and release stored stress, pain, psychological, physical, emotional, and spirtitual trauma of all degrees, it:

  • Contributes to the development of emotional, psychosomatic cleansing and healing
    Reduces stress and unblocks energy
  • Helps become more present and centered with a sense of expansion and well being
  • Releases stress and tension in the muscles
  • Allows for more energy into the blood system
  • Helps clear depression, anxiety, rage and obsessive thinking


Muscular tensions in the body that were never dealt with, prevented us to be able to feel our true feelings. This focused bodywork (combined with the embodied breathwork) helps us to finally feel more comfortable.
Focused issues include:

  • tissue tension
  • pain
  • unexpressed feelings
  • stress and tension held in our muscles and cells


Involves breathing, regression work and the person's ability to experience the full bodied expression of early wounds and trauma. This helps people get in touch with repressed emotions of rage, terror, deep need, hurt, grief and loss. As you allow yourself to workthrough and let go of painful feelings, you make room for self acceptance, feel more energy and become more mindful of your boundaries, needs and wants. As we embrace the painful issues of the past, we put the past back where it belongs, which allows us to feel instead of erroneously acting out the feelings. When you feel the hurt, the pain disappears.

Primal Integration Work helps people who have experienced:

  • PTSD
  • Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse
  • Assault
  • Rage
  • Trauma
  • Hurt, Grief and Loss
  • Self-Esteem
  • Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Depression

Call Keene Psychotherapy at 603-400-0936 to begin the healing process today!

8- TAT (Tapas Accupressure Technique©)

Taping works to rewire the brain and body to reduce anxiety and restore your balance.