Release Your Trauma With Therapeutic Help

Release Your Trauma With Therapeutic Help

Get TAPAS Acupressure Technique (TAT) therapy in Keene, NH

When someone goes through a traumatic experience, it can be difficult to move past it. With the right therapy services, however, the trauma can be released. Keene Psychotherapy Trauma Recovery Services offers many services for dealing with trauma, including the TAPAS Acupressure Technique (TAT). This therapy uses a blend of physical touch and statements to help a client work through their past issues.

If you suffer from trauma due to an event from the past, rely on a Keene, NH therapy center for help. Email us now to learn more about our TAT services.

How does TAT work?

The TAT process is a simple yet effective way to work through past trauma. During TAT therapy services, a therapist will...

  • Hold pressure points on your head
  • Go through a series of statements to help clear your trauma
  • Help you relax and let go of the problems you experienced

TAT is a unique therapy that has proven effective for clients around the world. Call us today to learn more about TAP therapy services in Keene, NH.